Maternity and Post Maternity Dressing

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Well ladies, 30 women were polled, and survey says HELP!!!!

Well ladies, 30 women were polled, and survey says HELP!!!!

I want to thank all the mommies and mommies-to-be for taking part in our survey.  As a stylist and wardrobe consultant, I really gained insight into preg and post preg dressing issues.  Not only was it insightful, but it was pivotal in finding helpful ways to best serve you.

I have to start by saying, you ladies cracked me up. The humor, wit and savvy sarcasm left me in stitches. I busted out laughing at some of your replies.  One woman actually called shopping at Destination Maternity “the 7th circle of hell.” Another woman, when asked about buying undergarments, replied, “Underwear? Forget trying to find a nursing bra in my size without taking out a mortgage!” According to the survey, there were few lucky mommies that got through dressing dilemmas unscathed. I commend you ladies in your ability to fit, shop and keep it neatly together. Whether genetics played a part or not, I’m glad it was smooth sailing nonetheless.

As for the rest of my mommy surveyors? Hang in there! I’m here to help.

You are pregnant! That’s wonderful news. Embrace your new curves. I strongly believe maternity and post maternity shopping can be a painless experience. You don’t need to sacrifice your personal style or fashion sense.  Maternity clothes should honor a woman’s sense of style and her new shape.  Keep your unique style. Only stretchier! Yes, I’m on a crusade.  I want all women to look and feel great all the time, and that starts with your wardrobe.  You should have proper fitting clothing which will take you from weekend to work, from pregnancy to post!

A common thread amongst the mommies is limited options, and the burning question: Are maternity stores part of a conspiracy?Are they all owned by the same manufacturer? Sadly, a lot of the leading stores are, which leaves many of you at a loss when you find out the fit isn’t right for your shape. But don’t be discouraged. Every year more and more maternity brands are popping up, and all the top designers are trying to get in on the action.

Know what to look for. Most department stores have a maternity clothing section. You can also shop at specialty maternity stores, which are likely to have a larger selection of styles and sizes. Because a lot of women don’t need to hang on to their maternity clothing, consignment stores can also have a wide selection of gently-used, still-trendy items.

Below you will find a fantastic list of maternity brands for all shapes, sizes, styles and budgets. Also included are some tricks of the trade to help you though maternity and post maternity dressing.

 Tricks of the Trade 

  • Most sizes are based on your pre pregnancy size. Brands vary, and no brand can predict changes to your body. It may not be only your stomach that grows, but also your posterior and hips.  Everybody is different, and the body will do what the body wants to do.  Try things on. Find brands that basically fit your build early on.  Much like finding the right fit prior to being pregnant, some brands just tend to fit our bodies better than others.  The right curves, inseam, rises, etc.
  • Once you find a few brands which are conducive to your shape, strap on the awkward prosthetic tummy and use those brands as your go-to until the final stretch.
  • Speaking of stretch… Fabrics such as ponte and Lycra are designed to stretch. Knits tend to have more give than wovens. Garments made of these fabrics and similar fabrics will hold up through several stages of your pregnancy. They keep their shape and stretch with you.
  • Lightweight fabrics are best. When you are expecting, your temperature changes frequently. Don’t get caught being a sweaty mess. Layering is a good idea. It helps you control a comfortable temp throughout the day.
  • When you start showing in your second trimester, I recommend using a “belly button”, which is an extending device for your pants and skirts. This will help you get more mileage out of your clothes early on.
  • Purchase maternity briefs that will come up over the belly, or simply buy your usual cut in a larger size and wear under the belly.
  • Seek out pieces that are easy access.  Nursing bras and loose accessible clothing that detach around the breast are a given.  Far cry from what easy access meant in our 20s.
  • Accessorize! You could continue to use post preg, and accessories always fit. My plus size girls know this already. New jewelry, hat or the occasional bag have saved us many times from walking out of fitting rooms with nothing, or returning from fruitless hours of shopping empty handed. Don’t underestimate the power of a good accessory!

Post maternity essentials

  • Do yourself a favor and buy a pair or two of jeans that fit you right now so that you will be comfortable when you wear them. No time for denial! There is a baby to tend to. Trying to squish into jeans that are too small will be uncomfortable and discouraging.
  • Accentuate your positive, play up the goodies! Got boobs and butt for the first time? Work it! Understand your new shape, don’t dress for your pre preg shape. Get used to dressing larger boobs and belly, or wider booty if you aren’t one of those lucky women who bounce back into shape overnight. Don’t let it get you down, view it as a challenge. Not a challenge of racing the clock to get your body back, but a challenge to work with what you have when you have it. Master your fit and always look and feel your best.
  • Trendy diaper bag – If it makes you feel better, ditch the bag with the monkeys on it and get yourself a diaper bag you will be proud of.  It’s something you will be toting around all the time, make it count. So what, it will be sticky and have Cheerios at the bottom. Nobody needs to know.
  • For corporate mommies, tailor clothing that fits well in some areas but needs to be tweaked In others. Look professional or simply put together when it counts.

One of our survey questions was…At any point, did you wish someone could dress you, or that you could106_andrea_13_628 just blink your eyes and have all the proper maternity outfits already in your closet for each stage of your nine months? Many of you said yes. If you or any moms you know would like to inquire about “Syled” by Andrea maternity and post maternity packages,  then please contact me at (917) 693-7982 or go to our web  I’d love to help get your wardrobe in order.  You don’t have to be skinny or rich to have a personal stylist, just the desire to look and feel good. If you are skinny and rich, we have a package for you, too.  Enjoy!


Maternity Stores to Shop 

Some of you reported stores being to frumpy or to trendy. Others couldn’t find good quality for special events. Some said they encountered only crappy quality, while others couldn’t see spending a lot on temporary clothing. I put together a list of contemporary options for all. I hope you find something that suits you. Try visiting small boutiques for personalized advice and special occasions. For more details on fitting your figure, set up a free consult with “Styled” by Andrea Caprio.  Mention our survey and receive 20% off any of our packages.

  • Pea in the Pod (AG jeans at Pea in the Pod secret fit belly crop is a winner)
  • Bump
  • Burlington Coat Factory
  • H&M
  • Forever 21 Maternity
  • Due Maternity
  • Unbuttoned Maternity
  • Target
  • Gap
  • Mimi
  • Isabella Oliver
  • Loft Maternity
  • Zulily
  • Rosie Pope
  • Belle UP
  • Slacks & Co. London (for the preg fashionista) edgy and chic
  • Veronique Maternity NYC
  • Izzy Maternity
  • Belly Dance Maternity
  • Boing Boing $$
  • Mylo Dweck Maternity $$$
  • Pink Blush
  • Le Avenue Dereves $$$$
  • Mommy Chic includes evening wear and nursing lounge wear) $$$$
  • The upper Breast Side (breast feeding resource center)
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