I’m Not Getting Paid by Cole Haan…
I just love them!

They really are the best constructed shoe out there. In my opinion, Cole Haan gets it right, for both men and women.
For years now, Nike has been collaborating with Cole Haan to construct not only great looking shoes, but shoes that are as comfortable as walking on air.
I believe I purchased my first pair about seven or eight years ago. It was love at first step for me. How could shoes this nice feel so good? Would you believe, I still have and wear those animal print Mary Jane heels to this day? They really held up well. Before I purchased my first pair, I remember hobbling home from dates in my six-inch heels after numerous hours of walking the city, dancing, et cetera.
When I discovered that Nike Air and Cole Haan were colliding, I immediately thought Amen! Someone is using his or her head! It seemed so ingenious. I will agree that Cole Haan shoes can be kind of pricey, but I have put them to the test for years, and I’m here to tell you my mind has not changed. They have stood the test of time.
While I love the look and feel of these shoes, my taste in shoes varies. I lean a little bit more towards a trendy look. Cole Hann isn’t the trendiest; however, they do keep up with most of the trends and tend to keep it classic, with a little taste of what’s new for each season.
Style and comfort in one shoe. Imagine that? I’m curious to hear what everyone else thinks. Post your good and bad Cole Haan stories to the “Styled” by Andrea Caprio Facebook page.