Maternity and Post Maternity Dressing


Well ladies, 30 women were polled, and survey says HELP!!!!

Well ladies, 30 women were polled, and survey says HELP!!!!

I want to thank all the mommies and mommies-to-be for taking part in our survey.  As a stylist and wardrobe consultant, I really gained insight into preg and post preg dressing issues.  Not only was it insightful, but it was pivotal in finding helpful ways to best serve you.

I have to start by saying, you ladies cracked me up. The humor, wit and savvy sarcasm left me in stitches. I busted out laughing at some of your replies.  One woman actually called shopping at Destination Maternity “the 7th circle of hell.” Another woman, when asked about buying undergarments, replied, “Underwear? Forget trying to find a nursing bra in my size without taking out a mortgage!” According to the survey, there were few lucky mommies that got through dressing dilemmas unscathed. I commend you ladies in your ability to fit, shop and keep it neatly together. Whether genetics played a part or not, I’m glad it was smooth sailing nonetheless.

As for the rest of my mommy surveyors? Hang in there! I’m here to help.

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Orange You Ready?

Orange wardrobe essentials for spring 2014


Dazzling shades of orange are all the rage this season. You may fancy coral, citrus or terra cotta. Perhaps tangerine, carrot or something fiery is more your speed? Whichever shade of orange you choose, you will be on the up and up for 2014. Read More

15 Hot Trends for Spring 2014

Boyfriend jeans and floral blazerSpring is right around the corner.

Choose one or two trends that suit you and incorporate them into your wardrobe. You’ll be surprised at how effectively it freshens things up. Read More

Wash & Fold

Do Manhattanites know when to hold EM’ and when to fold EM’?

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San Francisco to New York in the Dead of Winter: A Transplant’s Perspective on Surviving Winter in Style.


By Suzanne Hitchman

For the past six winters I watched the snow from my Facebook and Instagram feeds from San Francisco with envy where I had been living. I love San Francisco. It’s one of the most beautiful cities in the world.  But for years I complained of weather I found to be boring and predictable. Read More