Fashion week!

It’s fashion week and I’ve just returned from two days at the IFB Conference.   What an amazing event!

It was so exciting to trade ideas, strategic plans and goals with fresh new faces. All attendees seemed to be going down similar paths, and we all share the same passion for fashion in some way or another.  Aside from making new and interesting friends, the panels were packed with influential and inspiring  speakers.  Brands gave great tips on collaborating, and offered new interesting ways to connect with affiliate programs.

So many creative people.  I couldn’t get enough!  I was acting like a sponge absorbing all of this information.  Being in a room with 400 people who are just like me, fashion-passionate and fashion-driven, was just amazing. Creative energy packed into the Altman Building for two whole days!  Brilliant! Read More

Does Size Really Matter?

Handbags people!  Handbags! Lots of clients and friends often ask me questions about handbags.  What’s the right style? How often do I change handbags? What do I keep in it?  Do I carry to much?  Why do my shoulders and neck hurt? What is the right shape handbag for my figure? When do I use which bag? And yes, the question that seems to be the most popular believe it or not:  “Does size really matter?”

Here is what I know about handbags.  I hope you find this helpful in your search. Read More

It’s not always so black and white!

blk-and-white-blogThey need no introduction, apology or explanation.
They command attention.
The marriage of non-color colors.
Both can stand alone and make a bold statement (think wedding or funeral).
It’s the Perfect contrast (think yin and yang).

Yes! You guessed it! Classic black and white.
Clean, stately, polished and so easy to match.

Some of life’s best things are black and white, for instance:
The Oreo
Composition notebooks
Saddle shoes
Piano keys
Cows and zebras
The White Album
The White House
And one of my favorites, the oh-so-yummy black & white cookie.

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Pantone, how it’s a good tool for my clients and readers…


For many years as a designer, I would find all kinds of inspiration from so many different things, whether it be nature, objects, vintage, circumstances, travel, or my favorite inspiration, color!

Color to me sets a mood and tells a story.  What better way to greet the world than saying, “Hi! This is the mood I’m in!”

Color is great inspiration because it can trigger so many different emotions while setting the mood and tone of your day.  The great part about color is, you can actually change the mood and tone of somebody else’s day by what you wear.  Ahhh… The power of color!

The reason I decided to make this a topic is because I plan on posting the Pantone colors for my followers each season.  For those of you who don’t know what this is, it’s kind of a trade secret for color direction.  It gives designers a good foundation of where the color direction is headed, and also makes it easier for industry people to communicate their ideas. Pantone is not the end-all be-all of color by any means; however, it does inspire designers and possibly spark some good ideas. How will this help you?  I think if you get to take a peek of the color palette for the upcoming seasons, upon shopping, you will know what colors to be drawn to. Having an idea of what colors compliment each other can be a powerful tool for building a wardrobe.  I can’t lie, it’s also kind of fun to follow trends and see which divine color made it to “the Pantone color of the year.”  Yes!  There is actually a color of the year!

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I’m so in love with this Field guide hatbox by Moulinette Soeurs.  This beautiful cotton canvas piece has a cute inside cotton lining, and is trimmed in chocolate brown leather.  It measures 5 x 16 in diameter, and has a detachable strap.  You could not only find this conversation piece at Anthropologie, you could also find lots of great related pieces as well.

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